Shwen Gwee Former VP & Head of Global Digital Strategy BMS
Leslie Anne Fendt Global Program Head, Remote Vision Monitoring Roche
Caoimhe Vallely Former Global Head of Digital Health & Therapeutics Merck KGaA
John Mulcahy Vice President, Products S3 Connected Health
Paul Simms Chief Executive Impatient Health
Pilots are easy. MVPs are everywhere.
What we don’t have, yet, is scale.
It’s time for digital health projects to emerge from childhood and become fully-grown adults. Today’s tougher investment climate demands a more mature approach to development, one that intelligently capitalises on the collective learnings and processes so far. Still too often, there is a revolving door of new people reinventing digital health development process all over again, rebuilding even basic infrastructure elements from scratch. It can be so much better: whether you’re focussing on SaMD, beyond the pill, companion or standalone, a solid framework that supports smarter commercialisation is key.
A good platform approach can get solutions to patients cheaper, quicker, more successfully and with significantly less risk. There are further advantages when working across multiple therapies, geographies and teams. This webinar will illustrate how some of the most experienced voices in digital health are now relying on a platform approach, and how they ensure high performance as they go about their business.