Free webinar:

Breaking the language barrier

How pharma can build trusted relationships with Generation-Z

February 13, 2025
3:00pm London / 4:00pm Paris / 10:00am New York

The countdown is on!

Lilly Downs - Headshot Photo

Lilly Downs Content Creator, Patient Advocate TikTok

Oliver Kaye - Headshot Photo

Oliver Kaye Content Creator, Patient Advocate & Medical Student TikTok

Azmain Chowdhury - Headshot Photo

Azmain Chowdhury Doctor MBBS BSc, Co-Founder Health Media Consultancy

Minell Karimi - Headshot Photo

Minell Karimi Director, Global Regulatory Affairs Amgen

Hashim Tahir - Headshot Photo

Hashim Tahir Medical Affairs Associate Immunology Pipeline Sanofi

Noreen Sajwani - Headshot Photo

Noreen Sajwani Head of Consulting Impatient Health

Paul Simms - Headshot Photo

Paul Simms Chief Executive Impatient Health

Gen-Z is a generation like no other. At face value, that isn’t saying much—every generation has its quirks. But while Baby Boomers are terrible at technology, and Millennials invented the caramel latte, Gen-Z’s particular quirk is a biggie: it speaks a completely different language.

This isn’t just about the words it uses—again, every generation adds to the dictionary. Rather, this is about the means of communication itself. Gen-Z was born online. To them, there is no separation between the world as it is ‘online’ and the world as it is in ‘reality’. Pharma simply doesn’t understand this. We’re an industry that still has words like ‘digital’ and ‘omnichannel’ in people’s job titles. When our industry tries to communicate with Gen Z, it sounds like a dad trying to look cool in front of his teenage daughter’s friends. This wouldn’t matter, except for the fact that in misunderstanding Gen-Z, we are passing over a massive opportunity.

Despite a propensity to laze around doom-scrolling, Gen-Z is the most health-conscious generation in history. Not only this, but it is a growing part of the pharma workforce.

It’s possible to engage with Gen-Z in a much more dynamic, exciting manner. In this session, you’ll learn how. We’ll be talking about how you can start healthcare conversations where Gen-Z is already at, giving you the edge with pharma’s future market and workforce.

The countdown is on!