Make data your advantage

Make data your advantage

14:00 - 16:00 GMT
December 7, 2021
Virtual workshop

Get the data ecosystem you deserve.

For years, life science has looked up to technology pioneers like Amazon, which have successfully grown catch-all data/analytics strategies with a coherent, cogent destination in mind.

And whilst we all know the problems associated with a siloed, dysfunctional patchwork of legacy systems, we have to date been unable to take an approach that combines infrastructure with commercial leadership.

I’m hosting this workshop to ensure we treat the pandemic as a catalyst to build a simplified data ecosystem with clean UX, enabling data to be liquid across the organisation. After all, legacy systems were not designed for an omnichannel world, do not communicate well with each other and prevent the seamless data interoperability that’s required to serve customers fully.

Let’s build comprehensive analytics capabilities that leverage AI/ML, allowing you to identify sentiment, trends and patterns, as well as providing actionable insights at your fingertips that will translate into personalised customer experiences at scale. Let’s build a data fabric that allows you to automate data-cleaning & classification/tagging and spend more time on innovation rather than preparation & analysis.

Paul Simms - Headshot Hosted by Paul Simms
Chief Executive, Impatient Health